Introducing BBAE FilingGenius

Introducing BBAE FilingGenius

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new investing tool, BBAE FilingGenius. This AI-powered insights tool dives deep into SEC filings, unearthing valuable insights for informed investing.

To use BBAE FilingGenius, simply navigate to the Discover section in the BBAE app and select FilingGenius. There, you’ll find a chat function where you can ask any question about specific companies. Our AI bot will sift through SEC filings to provide you with an answer.

With FilingGenius, you can pose specific questions such as, “What has been the revenue growth of AAPL over the last five years?” or “What is the dividend history of MSFT?” or even “How many cars did TSLA sell last year?” Pretty cool, if you asked me.

FilingGenius enables you to:

  • Receive on-the-fly answers to investment questions about specific companies
  • Gain valuable insights through deep analysis of SEC filings
  • Make informed investment decisions with ease, using AI-generated insights derived from SEC filings

Whether you’re an experienced investor or a beginner, FilingGenius simplifies the task of understanding company financials and operating trends by harnessing the wealth of knowledge contained in SEC documents.

Experience the power of FilingGenius for yourself today! We’re confident that you’ll find the AI-driven insights extracted from SEC filings to be an invaluable tool in your investing journey.

Happy investing!


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