Make Your Money Make Your Life Better

Make Your Money Make Your Life Better

Money is fungible. It’s versatile. It’s quantifiable. For these reasons, people tend to approximate more money with a happier life. And that’s generally true. But Professor Meir Statman, godfather of behavioral finance, says what we’re really after is well-being, and that money is just one part of that. 

For instance, an increase in wealth without an increase in respect does not bring much increase in well-being. Meir joined me for a chat to summarize his years of well-being research (showcased in his latest book), in which we discuss a wonderful range of topics, including:

  • What is behavioral finance?
  • Why should we focus on life well-being instead of financial well-being? 
  • Why parents should help their kids, and why stingy parenting is bad. 
  • Why Meir and his wife gave $3 million to Santa Clara University. 
  • Why Meir holds Nvidia, Apple, and Amazon through index funds, and believes a basket of index funds is the best way to invest for most people. 
  • When it’s Ok for young people to splurge on luxury purchases.
  • When the nuclear family works – and when it doesn’t.
  • Why Meir says ESG investing doesn’t work – and why prefers to donate directly to causes instead. 

After watching Meir, I believe you’ll come to the same conclusion I did – that he’s truly a force for good in the investing world, and a wealth of well-being knowledge to boot.

Click here or on the image below to watch our chat:

Find Meir’s latest book, A Wealth of Well-Being, here.

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This article is for informational purposes only and is neither investment advice nor a solicitation to buy or sell securities. All investment involves inherent risks, including the total loss of principal, and past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Always conduct thorough research or consult with a financial expert before making any investment decisions. James owns shares of Apple and Amazon. BBAE has no position in any investment mentioned. Neither James nor BBAE eceives any compensation from Amazon or John Wiley & Sons.

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